Time flies before you know it we will be celebrating his first birthday!
*Still in size 3 diapers
*now mostly12 month clothes still wearing a few 9 month
*sitting up on his own but only for a few minutes
*taking about 38 ounces of Enfamil Prosobee formula a day
*taking 5-7 ounces every 3-6 hours
*eats a variety of fruits and veggies and puffs
*laughs a lot
*now mostly12 month clothes still wearing a few 9 month
*sitting up on his own but only for a few minutes
*taking about 38 ounces of Enfamil Prosobee formula a day
*taking 5-7 ounces every 3-6 hours
*eats a variety of fruits and veggies and puffs
*laughs a lot
*sleeps 1 5-6 hour stretch each night, still waking up every 2 hours some nights
* pull himself up to a sitting position as soon as you hold both his hands *still very ticklish!
* 2 teeth!
*does the cute little army crawl JJ did
*weight 17 pound 7.4 ounces