*and yes, still in size 4 diapers
* in mostly 18 month clothes
*size 6 shoe
*is taking about 28 ounces of Elecare Jr formula from a bottle and water from a sippy cup!
*eats a variety of fruits and veggies, puffs, Cheerios, pasta, graham crackers, Ritz crackers beef and pork too but no Raspberries! Seems to like the Enjoy Life Chocolate SUnbutter Bars but not the Apple Cinnamom ones
*laughs and smiles a lot when he is feeling good
*sleeps most nights getting up only once...about once a week he has a bad night and is up almost every hour:( but those are getting less frequent
*still very ticklish!
*OMG 17 teeth
*weight 24pounds 6 ounces
*height 31.75 inches
* really loves his binkie, he even tries to eat with it in his mouth
*signs more and all done
*now says bye alot and even says wuv oo (love you)

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