*in size 4 diapers
*now in all 12 month clothes
*sitting up on his own very well
*pulling himself up to standing on everything
*was taking about 30 ounces of Enfamil Prosobee formula a day but more on that in a bit
*taking 5-7 ounces every 3-6 hours
*eats a variety of fruits and veggies, puffs, Cheerios, pasta, graham crackers
*laughs and smiles a lot
*now in all 12 month clothes
*sitting up on his own very well
*pulling himself up to standing on everything
*was taking about 30 ounces of Enfamil Prosobee formula a day but more on that in a bit
*taking 5-7 ounces every 3-6 hours
*eats a variety of fruits and veggies, puffs, Cheerios, pasta, graham crackers
*laughs and smiles a lot
*sleeps 1 5-6 hour stretch each night, still waking up every 2 hours some nights
*still very ticklish!* 4 teeth!
*does the cute little army crawl he will get up on all fours and rock back and forth but wont crawl on all fours
*weight 17 pound 2 ounces
*height 29 inches
*head 17.8 inches
The saga of the sick baby continues and get worse:( See 9 month posting)
I will give a timeline as to how things have been going:(
- 02/15
- 11:00pm Ryder and I head to the ER after finding a fairly significant amount of bloody mucus in his diaper.
- 02/16
- 1am Ryder was discharged from the ER after a few blood tests and stool sample. We were to call the GI Monday morning for results and consult
- 6pm Ryder started vomiting
- 2/17
- 11am I headed back to the ER with Ryder...he had not eaten since 6 pm the night before, frequent vomiting, low grade fever, sever dehydration. They cathed him for a urine sample, and attempted to get an IV in
- 3:30 pm I was told he will be admitted.
I called Jay and my parents so someone could come to the hospital to sit with me - 4:00 Jay joins us at the ER
- 9:30pm we finally get to our room
- The next few days a re a blur of IV changes, blood draws and attempts at different formulas none of which he would drink
- 2/21
- 12pm we are sent home on Flagyl and Pro- biotcs and back on the ProSobee with a diagnosis of C-Diff (again) and a possible Milk/Soy/ Egg protein allergy. We were scheduled to see the GI on Tuesday (2/26)